Beauford Delaney, Self Portrait, 1944, oil on canvas, 27 x 22 1/2 in., Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago, Purchased with funds provided by Alexander C. and Tillie S. Speyer Foundation, Samuel A Marx Endowment, 1991.27. Painting shown with x-ray taken by the Conservation Lab at the Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2021.

Advisory, collection, curatorial, and art history expertise is available to strengthen the quality, coherence, care, presentation, and significance of each client’s fine art choices as well as the pleasure and benefits gained from them.

Conflicts of interest are avoided, and services are tailored to satisfy each customer’s needs and objectives. Every commercial transaction is private.

Advisory service is offered to provide customers with the research they need to make informed decisions about a wide range of fine art-related matters.

Collection expertise is available to help each client optimize the management and care of their fine art holdings. 

Curatorial expertise is available to help each client make informed decisions and consider the value of each acquisition and sale.

Art history expertise is accessible to help shape philanthropic, educational, and outreach activities that aim to have a positive social impact and promote ongoing learning..

Core services

  • Acquisition & Sale
  • Art Valuation
  • Due Diligence Research
  • Market Research
  • Collection Management
  • Curatorial Expertise
  • Art Philanthropy
  • Education & Outreach

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