In recent decades, there has been a dramatic global increase in corporate art holdings, online art sales, and private collections. Fine art museums and public art commissions have also grown in number. This rise in art collecting has created a need for experts who can source acquisitions, manage collections, dispense market advice, and engage buyers with different interests and needs.

Simmons Art Advisory Services (SAAS) is a full-service fine art solutions practice. I provide evidence-based guidance, collection, curatorial, and art history expertise to individuals, museums, and various industries that collect, present, and engage audiences with fine artworks in public and private settings

Educating and positioning my clients to make sound decisions about a host of fine art-related matters is my primary aim. From investigating provenance concerns to building a collection, I educate my clients about art and the art market, and I position them to put together collections that reflect their interests and needs. Make your fine art choices more than an afterthought. Put SAAS to work for you.




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